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24 years ago, I injured my knee during the long jump.  My injury was never diagnosed or repaired. I was always aware of the instability. I took up snowboarding in 2010. I felt my knee giveaway. I knew if I wanted to continue, I would need to have my knee repaired. A friend of mine recommended his hip doctor's colleague. He told me Dr. Khalfayan was a talented knee surgeon. I decided to look you up. I have to admit, I was a little intimidated. The Seahawks & Mariners team doc? Who was I kidding? I'm a middle aged, overweight woman. Certainly not a professional athlete. I felt like I would be wasting your time, like I didn't belong there. I'm so thankful I pushed the foolish thought aside. It was decided, ACL reconstruction was needed. I really appreciate your willingness to postpone my surgery until the following year, & fitting me with a brace. I had already purchased the next snowboarding season pass. 2012 I had my ACL reconstruction. I never wanted to undergo general anesthesia, & appreciate your support of my decision to be awake. The entire surgery staff were very friendly & helpful. It was pretty cool to hear your hip music choice in the operating room, it put a big smile on my face. I found it fascinating to watch my surgery. Thank you for explaining what your were seeing & why you were doing the things needed to be done. I followed your post operative instructions to a T. I had full extension from the start. Your referral to Engineered Sports Therapy was convenient & close to my home. Their staff was awesome & followed all of your instructions. You were able to release me back to my activities in the shortest estimated healing time you initially gave me. I now help coach the younger youth on our snowboarding team. I feel strong enough to lead these eager little athletes on our mountain explorations. Thank you Dr. Khalfayan! We are anxiously awaiting the snowfall at Stevens Pass, so we can shred the gnar!!
Heidi M

Heidi M , ACL Patient